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菠菜网lol正规平台 Guidelines on Events

Long Beach Unified School District

In our ongoing effort to keep students, staff and families safe during this current, regional surge in COVID-19 cases, 菠菜网lol正规平台 will implement new guidance for District events, effective immediately (1月. 5, 2022). These new guidelines will be re-evaluated by 1月. 28, 2022.

Key Considerations

While schools have been diligent about planning COVID-safe events for our students and staff during the pandemic, the following considerations are being made in all cases where people are gathering:

  • All events must adhere to the relevant public health guidelines in place at the time of the event, including any mask wearing and capacity requirements. 


  • Where feasible, large indoor events may be postponed or held virtually.


  • Events over 500: attendees will be required to show proof of vaccination, or a negative COVID test (administered by a healthcare professional. At-home tests are not allowed).


  • Indoor events will be moved to outdoor venues whenever possible.


  • Physical distancing will be maintained wherever possible.


  • Measures will be put in place to enable staff, students and parents (if necessary) to maintain good hand and respiratory hygiene (including ensuring that hand sanitizer and additional masks are available throughout the venue).

Indoor Sporting Events 

  • Games and competitions within 菠菜网lol正规平台 venues will be restricted to allow crowds of 25% of the posted capacity.
  • Family members of competing players will have priority access to events while reduced crowd capacity limits are in place. 



  • Indoor student performances within 菠菜网lol正规平台 venues will be restricted to allow crowds of 25% of the posted capacity.
  • Family members of student performers will have priority access to events while reduced crowd capacity limits are in place.



  • For all formal events and dances, students will need to provide either 1) a vaccine card showing that the student is fully vaccinated, or 2) a negative COVID test result, taken within 72 hours (administered by a healthcare professional. At-home tests are not allowed). 
  • Indoor formals will be moved to outdoor venues if possible.


Field Trips and Overnight Trips

  • Field trips and other overnight trips will be canceled or rescheduled until the reassessment period on 1月. 28. 


Large Group Meetings

  • Large in-person group meetings should be held virtually until guidelines are reassessed on 1月. 28.


Examples of Canceled, Postponed or Altered Events this month include:

  • 1月. 8 Kindergarten Festival is canceled.
  • 1月. 29 Education Celebration will be held virtually.


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